Development and Integration Environment for Automatic Test Markup Language
The standards support, data translation and visual editing capabilities of ATML Pad facilitate the development of integrated Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) solutions that integrate product engineering, diagnostic engineering, test engineering, maintenance, and sustainment.
The following diagram shows a "traditional" process for test software development for Automatic Test Systems (ATE):
Within this process, corrections and optimizations are often made in code and not in requirements. In time, the code diverges from requirements. The original requirements become obsolete, can no longer be reused to support code changes during code maintenance, rehosting, or conversion. This prevents the implementation of closed-loop optimization.
The following diagram shows an alternate, model-based process for test software development:
Within this process, corrections and optimizations are always made on the model, not the code; the code is regenerated automatically. This process facilitates the implementation of closed-loop optimization.
The following diagram highlights the use of ATML Pad in a "Digital Thread" demonstration that integrates multiple COTS and open-source software applications through standard and open data formats. ATML Pad performs the following functions:
Additional information for the demonstration is available as follows: